Patient of the Month – July 2023
Milad consulted with us after experiencing his sister’s satisfaction with her cosmetic nasal surgery.
Milad consulted with us after experiencing his sister’s satisfaction with her cosmetic nasal surgery.
Saraya, when a teenager decided to have a rhinoplasty. Her desires were proper and reasonable: a new nose but not a “carbon-copy nose job”.
Hannah came to us well-informed. Her stated and achievable desires were to refine her bulbous tip, correct asymmetry and shave down the bump on the bridge.
APRIL 2023 PATIENT OF THE MONTH JACQUELINE Like many of our patients, we met Jacqueline through a family member,in this case her beautiful older sister,
PATIENT OF THE MONTH SEDA Seda came to see us for two reasons. She was not happy with her breathing and wanted improvement in her
PATIENT OF THE MONTH LEXA Lexa wanted to improve her appearance. With otherwise excellent features, a Rhinoplasty was the answer. After the successful surgery, totally
LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, December 15, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — ABC News’ Nightline recently highlighted the risks and complications of the injection of large volumes
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, July 27, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Robert Kotler, MD, FACS, Renowned Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Super-Specialist, wins Best of Los Angeles Award
View Full Press Release Plastic/Reconstructive Robert Kotler Founder Robert Kotler, MD, Inc. Dr. Kotler has had a wide range of career accomplishments. Before entering private
Before a rhinoplasty procedure, with or without internal functional surgery to improve the airway, the patients should be fully prepared. It is important that one
Rhinoplasty is a very successful operation when performed by the most specialized, most experienced facial cosmetic surgeons who further specialize in rhinoplasty exclusively. There are very few, but Dr. Kotler is a “superspecialist” in both Surgical Rhinoplasty and Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty. What sets Dr. Kotler apart is his unparalleled expertise in that extraordinary but not well-known Permanent Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty. With over 40 years of experience, he has successfully performed more than 5,000 nasal procedures, solidifying his position as one of the most experienced practitioners of both Permanent Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty and Permanent Non-Surgical Revision Rhinoplasty in the United States. Why not consult with a doctor at the top of the specialty totem pole?
We offer virtual consultations that include computer imaging, allowing you to preview the anticipated outcome of your procedure before deciding. Additionally, you can have a virtual consultation with Dr. Kotler through FaceTime, WhatsApp, or Zoom, which is an excellent option for including family or friends in the consultation.
Call us today, at (310) 278-8721. We’ll arrange that consultation. A great first step because all your questions will be answered. And, no doctor is more qualified to answer those questions than Dr. Kotler.
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