Just about all cosmetic surgery procedures are up, but faceliftrequests seem to be especially strong right now, according to reports from the major plastic surgery organizations.
For instance, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports that facelifts are up four percent over this time last year (2016) when 131,106 facelifts were performed in the United States.
One thing that many people don’t realize is that a major part of a facelift is the neck and jawline which often contain hanging or sagging skin aplenty.
(See some face & neck lift before and after photos.)
But learning the whole story – at least your whole story – requires a consultation with a board-certified rejuvenation surgeon. He or she probably already knows you desire a more youthful look, so start by asking if you are a good candidate for a facelift.
- Tip: It’s best if you are in good health, have stable weight and don’t smoke. If you do, be willing to quit, if not forever, then for the pre-and-after surgery stages.
- Tip: Many patients ask what the best facelift technique is. There are many, but you’re best served by concentrating on finding a top facial surgeon who specializes in surgery of the face.
- Tip: A Facelift procedure is not cheap, so many patients want to know how long it will last. Most probably, you will not need one again. But lifestyle choices also matter; substantial weight loss or gain, sun exposure and the quality of the patient’s skin also matter.
- How long do face and neck lift surgery require? Given a highly experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon who moves with efficiency, about 3.5 to 4.5 hours. Be sure and ask about local anesthesia or read about modern anesthesia.
- Most patients want to know how long they will be out of action in recovery. Generally, recovery from face and neck lift will take somewhere around 10 days to two weeks, at which time all bruising and swelling is normally gone.
(Learn more about face and neck lift recovery.)
- Will Others Recognize me? Given only a facelift, you won’t look notably different. Most just look more refreshed, rested and, of course, more youthful. But you may look more different if you add in other procedures like:
- Upper & Lower Eyelid lifts
- Forehead lifts
- Rhinoplasty
- Ear surgery (Otoplasty)
- Chin Augmentation